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‘Enjoy learning together; building foundations for life.’


  • Foundation Stage and at Key Stage 1

    We encourage the children to read by giving them books to take home to read with their parents. We give guidance information to parents to help them achieve the maximum benefit from this time spent reading with their child. We also ask Key Stage 1 children to learn spellings or mathematical tables as part of their homework. Sometimes we ask children to talk about a topic at home prior to studying it in school. For example, in the history topic on toys, we ask children to find out what toys were popular when their grandparents were young and, if possible, to bring examples into school to show the other children. Sometimes we ask children to find and collect things that we then use in science lessons, and occasionally we ask children to take homework that they have started in school when we believe that they would benefit from spending further time on it. When we ask children to study a topic or to research a particular subject, we encourage them to use the school and local library as well as the Internet.

  • Key Stage 2

    We continue to give children the sort of homework activities outlined for Key stage 1 but we expect them to do more tasks independently. We set literacy and numeracy homework routinely each week and we expect the children to consolidate and reinforce learning done in school through practice at home. 

    Amount of homework: 

     We aim to comply with the recommended time allocations for homework i.e. 

    ·                     Years 1&2                     1 hour per week (10 – 15 mins each day

    ·                     Years 3&4                     1.5 hours per week (15 – 20 mins each day)

    ·                     Years 5&6                     30 mins per day

     Please note that this may well include reading with an adult or older sibling.

     We give all Key stage 2 children a school diary where they or the teacher or teaching assistant records the homework, and where parents and teachers make any relevant comments.

    Reception and Key stage 1 children will have a reading record book and spelling book.

    Pupils with special educational needs

     We set homework for all children as a normal part of school life. We ensure that all tasks set are appropriate to the ability of the child. If a child has special needs, we endeavour to adapt any task set so that all children can contribute in a positive way.

    The role of parents: 

    Parents have a vital role to play in their child’s education, and homework is an important part of this process. We ask parents to encourage their child to complete the homework tasks that are set. We invite them to help their children as they feel necessary and provide them with the sort of environment that allows children to do their best. Parents can support their child by providing a good working space at home, and by discussing the work that their child is doing.

     We ask parents to check the home/school diary at least once a week and to sign it as requested.

     If parents have any problems or questions about homework, they should, in the first instance, contact the child’s class teacher. If their questions are of a more general nature, they should contact the Headteacher.

  • Websites to help support Early Learning

    Early Learning

    Ideas, resources and information for parents and carers of pre-school Nursery and Reception children

  • Websites to support Maths
  • Other useful websites

    Researching information   

    • Freefoto    Find images to insert into documents


    Dance Mat typing     Improve your typing skills

    Draw, write, animate...





    Design Technology