Pick up & Drop Off
Children may enter school when their class doors open. Please allow sufficient time for the children to be ready to begin learning by arriving promptly. If children arrive late, their classroom doors will be closed and they will need to use the main entrance.
At the end of afternoon school, if parents are delayed in collecting their child for any reason, children should return to school and, having notified a member of staff, wait in the entrance hall.
Parking places close to school are limited. Please be aware of local residents when choosing a place to park so that access to driveways is maintained.
There are safe crossing places at the end of the school drive and opposite Pannal Green.
Parents waiting to collect children often wait in the playground or on Pannal Green (for older children).
We are an inclusive school for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years old and welcome all children into our school community. At 97%+, we are proud of our attendance record and work hard to maintain this high level.
We admit 60 children into each year group in 2 classes of 30 children each. All places are usually taken, often with a waiting list for each year group. Classes remain at 30 until the end of y2 reflecting national class size restrictions. In years 3 to 6, families may apply for places up to a maximum of 34 per class.
For any child starting at Pannal School we aim to ensure a smooth and welcoming transition. We will make every effort to get to know your child quickly both in terms of their academic abilities and their personal qualities.
All children who will reach their fifth birthday within the academic year are admitted to school at the start of September. Parents should note that children are not legally required to attend school until the first day of the term in which they have their 5th birthday. Any parents wishing to take up this option are invited to discuss their thoughts with Mrs Turner. There is also an opportunity for parents of summer born children to defer entry into Reception until the following year; again, speak to the Headteacher regarding this.
We have a system in place, which allows us to gather a range of information about reception-aged children before they start school. This system consist of a number of meetings and visits
- In May after the admissions list has been distributed by the Local Authority parents are sent a pack of information about all aspects of school life and to give you an insight into the school day.
- In July, parents and children will be invited to school for a "stay & play" visit so that they can experience school before starting in September. All key staff attend the sessions including the School Health Worker, Funclub Leader & uniform supplier.
All admissions are processed through the Harrogate Area Education Office. Admission forms are available either on their website www.northyorks.gov.uk or from the school.
You are most welcome to visit school if you are considering applying for a place for your child. Appointments can be made with Mrs Turner by ringing the school.
Since September 2013 no parent/carer can demand leave of absence for the purposes of a holiday.
Taking a holiday during term time means that children miss important school time.
Absence may be requested for leave in exceptional circumstances. Before completing a request for absence parents/carers are asked to consider the effect on their child's education.
All requests must be made on the Leave of Absence form which can be downloaded here or is available from the school office.
The form must be completed by the parent/carer and sent to the school as far in advance as possible and at least 7 days before the first date of absence. Parents/carers must obtain the school's permission for any leave in term time. If leave is taken without permission it will be recorded as unauthorised and reported to the LA who may choose to impose a fine.
The expectation is that children will arrive on time. Children experience emotional and academic difficulties if they arrive after their class has started work. It is good training for life to arrive on time. All late arrivals are recorded and monitored and may prompt contact from the Headteacher if causing a concern.
Where possible all appointments should be made for out of school hours. Where this is not possible appointments should be made at the beginning or end of the school day. Children should either be returned to school after their appointment or picked up from school. A dentist/doctors appointment etc does not require a whole or half day off school.
Inevitably your child may catch a cold or sickness bug, or whatever seasonal virus is around. You need to balance attendance with the individual health issues of your child. It is important that you inform the school via the Arbor App on each day of absence and return your child as soon as they are well enough.