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‘Enjoy learning together; building foundations for life.’

What do we mean when we say “Pannal-Shaped”?

  • Noun:  ‘Pannal-Shape’- The unique characteristic of Pannal Primary School
  • Verb: To ‘Pannal-shape’ an idea is to discuss it and ensure it suits our context and contributes to our vision. To ‘Pannal-shape’ a person is to encourage and nurture determination and perseverance; foster self-belief; develop a growth mindset; open minds to possibilities and promote recognition of life’s opportunities.          
  • Adjective:  The ‘Pannal-shaped’ child or adult is self-aware and mindful; works collaboratively; respects others; is interested in the wider world and Is not afraid to fail.
  • Adverb: Staff who work in a ‘Pannal-shaped’ way are trusting professional companions who have high expectations; value collaborative autonomy; share collective responsibility.

Staff and Children who work in a ‘Pannal-shaped’ way show determination and perseverance; strive to do their best; work collaboratively; value each others’ strengths; appreciate others’ achievements and believe everyone can.

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