Contact Details
Websites should include the:
- name of your school or college
- postal address of your school or college
- telephone number of your school or college
- name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public
- name of the headteacher or principal
- name and address of the chair of the governing body (if you have one)
- name and details of your SEN co-ordinator (SENCO) if you’re a mainstream academy
If you’re an academy or free school, you should also publish details about your academy’s owner:
- If the school’s owner is an individual, you should publish their full name and contact details (including address and telephone number)
- If the school’s owner is a body of persons, you should publish the address and telephone number of its office.
Click here to see this information.
Admission Arrangements
All mainstream academies and free schools must comply with the ‘School Admissions Code’ and the ‘School admissions appeals code’. You will need to add a link to the School Admissions Code website.
Click here to view this information
Exclusion Arrangements
If you are an academy or free school, you should publish details of your policy for excluding pupils.
Click here to view this information.
Ofsted Reports
Academies should either; publish a copy of your school’s most recent Ofsted report or, publish a link to the webpage where users can find your school’s most recent Ofsted report.
Click here to view this information.
Exam and assessment results
You should publish the percentage of pupils who’ve achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths; the average progress that pupils have made in reading between KS1 and KS2; average progress that pupils have made in writing between KS1 and KS2; average progress that pupils have made in maths between KS1 and KS2; percentage of pupils who’ve achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths; your pupils’ average score in the reading test; your pupil’s average score in the maths test.
Click here to view this information.
Performance Tables
Academies should publish a link to the school performance tables.
Click here to view this information.
You must publish the content of the curriculum your school follows in each academic year for every subject; your approach to the curriculum; how parents or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum you school is following.
You should also publish the names of any phonics or reading schemes you are using in Key Stage 1. This information is in the English section in Curriculum.
Equality Objectives
You need to publish details on how your school is complying with the public sector equality duty - this will need to be updated every year.
You will also need to publish your school’s equality objectives - this will need to be updated every 4 years.
You’ll need to include details of how your school is; eliminating discrimination; improving equality of opportunity for people with protected characteristics; consulting and involving those affected by inequality in the decisions your school or college takes to promote equality and eliminate discrimination.
Click here to see this information.
You should publish details of your school’s complaints, charging and remissions, and behaviour policy including its anti-bullying strategy.
Click here to see this information
Pupil Premium
If your school receives pupil premium funding, your funding agreement will specify what information you need to publish about it. It is recommended that, if you are a free school or academy, you publish details of your pupil premium strategy.
It is recommended, for the previous academic year, that you publish; how the pupil premium funding was spent; and the impact that the pupil premium had on pupils.
Click here to see this information.
PE and Sport Premium
You’ll need to publish details of the PE and sport premium funding (if it receives it).
Click here to read about how we are using our PE and Sports premium funding.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Academies and free schools should publish a report on their policy for pupils with SEN.
Click here to see this information.
Accessibility Plan for Disabled pupils
You must publish your accessibility plan, your published accessibility plan can be either a freestanding document or part of another document - this could be your school development plan.
Click here to view this information.
Annual Reports and Accounts
You should publish certain financial information about your school. You can find more guidance about these in the ‘Academies financial handbook’.
Follow the link to the YCST website on the Home page for this information
Governors’ information and duties
The ‘Academies financial handbook’ explains what information you need to publish about your school and its governing body.
Click here to view this information.
Values and Ethos
Academies should publish a statement of their ethos and values
Click here to view this information.
Request for copies
If a parent requests a paper copy of the information on your website, you must provide this free of charge.