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‘Enjoy learning together; building foundations for life.’

Special Educational Needs

Children with special needs are supported in their learning and, where necessary, have additional or different provision made for them in school. This ranges from offering children a little extra help in some specific areas of development to those who need specialist help with their educational, physical or social and emotional needs.

It is our policy that all children should be as fully integrated as possible into the activities of the whole school.

Pannal School aims to provide a caring and supportive environment for all pupils including those with disabilities and special educational needs. The school’s SEN provision and policy are in line with the SEN Code of Practice. In order to provide for children in wheelchairs, we have a disabled toilet and ramps at external doors. We have some experience in this area and are happy to advise prospective applicants about the facilities we can provide.

If any child is felt to be experiencing significant difficulties in learning or is exceptionally able in a particular area, parents are approached by the class teacher or SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-coordinator). Equally any concerns felt by parents should be brought to the attention of the class teacher, SENCO (Mrs. Plummer) or Mrs. Turner. The school has been awarded a quality mark for its achievements in SEN.

All children with special educational needs are identified and supported as early as possible in their school life. Sometimes adaptations are required and sometimes a programme of work is tailored to their particular needs. Teachers and classroom assistants are employed specifically to teach them. Classroom assistants experience regular training alongside the teaching staff and some also receive training in particular programmes of work. Our special needs co-ordinator is responsible for co-ordinating the work of the classroom teachers, special needs teacher and classroom assistants. Miss Sarah Blay (advanced teaching assistant) assists alongside Mrs Plummer with coordinating the support for children with EHCPs.

Mrs Sally Dent is employed as a pastoral support assistant, working with children who need additional pastoral support and advice.

Our special needs policy describes the work that we do in more detail. It is always available in the 'Our School' section of this website.

The current SEN Information Report and SEN policy for Pannal School can be accessed below.

SEND Information Report

Please see our SEND Information Report below. You can either scoll through it, or use the menu option in the bottom right below to navigate to particular sections of the report.

Follow the link below to read more information about North Yorkshire's SEND Local Offer.

SEND Local Offer