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‘Enjoy learning together; building foundations for life.’

School Dinners

Meals are cooked on the school premises; our catering staff aim to provide a variety of good value meals.

The menu is on a three week rolling program which changes termly. 

All payments can be made via our ParentPay system which is an online secure payments facility for parents to access from home. Please ensure your account is always in credit. School visits are also charged via this system.

Children may, if they wish, bring a packed lunch.

At lunchtime, our Senior Supervisor and the team of assistants will supervise the children. Children can enjoy a variety of organised games or simply play with their friends. Our Year 6 TOPs play leaders make sure that no one feels left out, by making sure that everyone has someone to play with.

Drinks and snacks

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are offered a piece of fruit each day as a mid-morning snack. Key Stage 2 children are allowed to bring a piece of fruit into school for a snack each day and are given a piece of fruit each week funded by the PTA.

We are also able to provide milk, which is free for all children under 5. For children over 5 school milk can be ordered through the “Cool Milk” website www.coolmilk.com. Alternatively, children are allowed to bring water in a transparent sports bottle (no squash/juice or fizzy drinks please) to have during the day.

As we commonly have children who have nut and peanut allergies, we do not allow nuts or peanuts or nut or peanut products into school.