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‘Enjoy learning together; building foundations for life.’

After School Clubs

We believe that clubs and activities are an important part of the life of our school. They provide an opportunity to enrich children’s experience beyond the curriculum. They develop pupils’ social skills and promote a positive attitude towards school.

We therefore offer a broad range of clubs and activities, some of which change on a termly basis, for example: dance, choir, band, football, netball, cheerleading, computers.


At the end of sessions please could all children be collected from outside the main entrance.

If your child attends a club and is unable to attend (through ill health or for family reasons) please ring school to explain his / her absence. Thank you.

We have various after school clubs starting each half term. We will discuss the choice of clubs with the children, then if interested, you will be able to sign up on ParentPay or directly from a link given to you.