All children are expected to wear the school uniform, which has been designed to be smart, practical and as inexpensive as possible.
Uniform requirements are as follows:
school sweatshirt or cardigan in royal blue (logo preferred but not essential)
black school shoes (not boots or trainers)
old shirt for use during art/technology session
blue shirt and school tie (winter uniform y3-6 only)
blue polo shirt- logo optional (Rec, y1 & y2 all year, y3-6 summer uniform)
grey trousers (short or long) or grey skirt, pinafore dress
grey/white socks
Summer dress in royal blue checks or stripes (Rec, y1 & y2 all year, y3-6 summer uniform)
(if tights are worn in winter these should be either dark blue, grey or black in colour as should hair-bands if they are worn).
sandals should be black or dark blue (socks must be worn).
All children are required to wear a sun hat when they are outdoors from Easter to October half term.
All of the above items are obtainable from The School & Dance Shop in Knaresborough:
3 Chapel St, Knaresborough HG5 8AN
Call Julie on 07747760622
There are 2 other uniform suppliers based in Harrogate
All items of clothing and personal effects must be clearly marked with the child’s name. Jewellery should not be worn with the exception of watches and stud earrings, on the understanding that school can accept no responsibility for loss or damage.
The PTA also runs a really good pre loved unfirom online shop:
PE Kit
All children must change for PE lessons. The kit comprises:
- School T-shirt which can be bought from the uniform shop
- Royal blue shorts
- Black or white plimsolls
In colder weather we encourage children to bring warmer layers such as royal blue sweatshirt/joggers.
All children in Years 5 and 6 have an outdoor pair of shoes/trainers/wellies in school at all times.
Children who have pierced ears who are unable to remove earrings will be required to cover them with tape.
Hair worn longer than shoulder length should be tied back at all times.
For swimming each Year 3 child will need a towel, swim wear and hat.
Some art and craft activities can be messy! Parents are asked to provide children with an old shirt, t-shirt or some covering for their clothes.