Pupil Leaders
We provide many opportiunities for all of our older pupils to take responsibilities which support the work of the school and enable them to help to organise and lead our younger children. We believe this has many benefits for all of the children, both those being led and those doing the leading. Here are some examples:
Our year 6 pupils have responsibilities such as delivering letters to classes, preparing the hall for assemblies and working as librarians. They also manage the playground equipment, loaning out, collecting and storing games each playtime. In addition some of them are timetabled to play with the Reception children in their outdoor area at lunchtime.
Each September, our year 6 children have the opportunity to become TOPs playleaders by undergoing training with Mrs Smith our PE specialist leader. Having completed their training, those who wish to be involved are timetabled to organise games on the playgrounds and field, for younger children at lunchtime. They take this responsibility seriously and are an excellent role model for the younger children. In the past few years, Mrs Smith has developed this model further by organising a Primary School Sport Organising Crew which develops students' leadership skills. Children have opportunities to take on roles such as photographer, reporter, competition leader, coach and equipment leader.
Rather than a traditional School Council which often involves only a few children, all KS2 pupils are organised into 'Forum Family' groups. These are made up of children from across Key Stage Two, who discuss issues together that can help us to improve our school. The older children take responsibility for leading their teams and ensuring that the younger pupils understand what is required.
Y6 children "buddy" with reception children throughout their 1st year of school and they enjoying many activities together.
Y5 & Y2 children partner up as reading buddies and meet regularly to talk about books & stories.