Children start in the Reception class in the academic year in which they are five, unless parents choose to defer admission. The school admission number, as set by the Local Authority, is 60 for the Reception classes. Places are normally provided for all those living within the catchment area. If parents from outside the catchment choose our school, places are allocated on the basis of availability. We converted to Academy status in 2016 and continue to follow the LA admissions criteria for Community & Voluntary Controlled schools.
Useful Links:
North Yorkshire Starting Primary and Junior School Timetable
Appendix 1- Determined Co-ordinate Admission Arrangements 2026 to 2027
Appendix 5- Determined Nursery Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Nurseries 2026 to 2027
To apply for a place at school parents need to fill in a preference form which is available to fill in online at:
In the half term prior to admission, arrangements are made for children to spend some time in the Reception class. This will familiarise the children with new routines, facilities and faces.
In-year Admissions
We understand sometimes children need to apply for a school place mid-year, they may be new to the area or wish to request to move to a new school. However, typically our year groups are full and spaces within year groups are limited to families living within the catchment area. An in-year application can be made at any time of the year; however, you can only apply up to a term in advance of the date you want the school place.
As we are part of a multi academy trust, Yorkshire Causeway Schools Trust is our admission authority, however all admissions are co-ordinated on our behalf by North Yorkshire County Council.
As such, applications should be made directly with North Yorkshire County Council. Advice about changing schools as well as details of the process and how to apply can be found here:
Find out about grounds for appeal, what happens at a hearing, and how to prepare using the link below.